Wednesday, September 2, 2009

because I know you need a new Cookbook...

Do you read The Pioneer Woman Cooks blog? If you don't, you should. She is a fantastic cook. Her blog features cooking, photography, home and garden, homeschooling and a confessions page. She talks about living out in the country.. trips to the Walmarts, her beautiful family, Charlie- the basset hound, living and running a working Cattle Ranch and her beloved brother Mike. Among other things.
I read her blog daily. She is warm, kind, witty and HILARIOUS. Now she is a cookbook author!!
I am so excited, I had to share!! I already pre-ordered mine and you can do so here or here
I have personally made countless recipes from her website and they are fantastic. I mean, really, really fantastic. They are real recipes made from real butter (ha), from ingredients you can find in your local grocery store. My husband loves them, because, like hers.. he is a man who eats man food. No frilly salads for him, please. Finally, after 6 years together and 4 married.. he can now identify a caper. It's been a long time coming folks.
Every time I make a recipe of hers I am dying to share and post it here.. but never have because I think its breaking a sisterhood code or something. So now you can grab her cookbook and have all of her wonderful, delicious recipes and I can tell you for certain they are super.

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